
About The maker

Ballantyne Leather was launched in 2012 by entrepreneur, Hannah Ballantyne. Growing up on ranches in the west, with a cowboy father and a fine artist mother, meant that Ballantyne had an eye for style and an appreciation and knowledge of working cowboy gear.

Starting out building only chinks and chaps, Ballantyne soon expanded to handbags and belts, then customized sneakers – allowing her to add a modern twist to traditionally western items. “New west, is how I term the items I create. I want them to be authentic and rooted in the west, but also unique and modern.” Ballantyne says, “I’ve been fortunate to travel a great deal and live overseas, which affords a different perspective on the cowboy life I grew up in, and still inhabit.”

Each piece of work on this website is hand designed and crafted by Ballantyne, there are no employees, no outsourcing and everything is made in Nevada, USA.
Image copyright of Kirsten McSharry.